Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Nice Guys

I was speaking with a friend of mine a few days ago and she was updating me on her love life, or rather the lack of one. She ended things with her current boyfriend because he was “too nice”. Now, I know I put too nice in quotes, but I do understand her statement. I almost never hear girls say they are attracted to the nice, sweet responsible guy. We always seem to want the badass, mysterious guy who we know is going to hurt us and leave us to pick up the pieces.

From the time we were young and thanks to numerous romantic movies, I think every little girl pictured her knight in shining armor riding up on a white horse, swooping in at the right moment to rescue us. Rescue us from what? That, I don’t know. Maybe a life too mundane, too difficult, too lonely.

We grow up and when this fantasy doesn’t turn into reality, we are disappointed. We think life is unfair and we have been deprived of our prince.

I always thought, maybe the reason the elaborate fantasy isn’t working out is not because there is no knight in shining armor riding up to you on a white horse, but maybe because you choose a motorbike over the horse and the the bad biker in the leather jacket over the knight in shining armor. Ever think of that?

On the same note, I wanted to take a minute to thank all the nice guys out there:

Thank you for being a good friend and not taking advantage of us when we were confused and drunk that one night
Thank you for being responsible and making sure that we didn’t lose our purses in the crowded bar
Thank you for being a shoulder to cry on as we moan about the bad boy who broke our heart.

You are under appreciated and over looked and I firmly believe the world needs more people like you.

My point is, it isn’t always fate or destiny if things don’t turn out like you expected. It isn’t fair to categorize the entire male population as evil and decide you are the victim. It is because somewhere along the way, you decided to pick something else.

My suggestion: The next time you are approached by a nice, sweet guy, appreciate the fact that he has mustered the courage to come talk to you, to compliment you and is interested in actually getting to know you. Pretty soon, the bike gets too rough to ride on, and you’ll wonder if that horse wasn’t that slow after all! :-)


Someone To Call Own said...

haha exactly the point, girls always yearn for a nice guy and when one comes along, they move on to the next jerk! Yep been there done that! I know am being skeptic and thats the time when we nice guys hv to fall back on the good ol' and effin matrimony sites! Hope u've found ur nice guy! Cheers!

Chaos Theory said...

If I go by my usual pattern, the guy I found isn't that nice..Only time will tell..Haha