Wednesday, March 26, 2008

In recent times, there has been an abundance of woman in lead television shows. I remember watching Xena (Remember Xena- the warrior princess?) where the hero of the series was a woman who was the epitome of strength and could use a bow and arrow better than any man. The more fun version of women empowerment was Sex and the city which totally began the trend of single women who could have it all – Jobs, power, money and men. And all this with Cosmopolitans and Jimmy Choos. And now there’s more – Lisptick Jungle and Cashmere Mafia which I watch religiously.

Now, I don’t know how realistic these shows are, but what stands out in all these shows is – The single women are always looking for the perfect man. The definition of perfect varies from one woman to another. For some women it’s a man who wants to settle down, for some it’s a man who lets his woman do what she wants and for some it’s a man who wants nothing more than she does.

But what about women who want more? I happen to notice a sudden surge of women who want more than what they have. On the surface, it looks like everything’s perfect. Does this make the woman a bad person for wanting more?

It just makes me curious. Is it the human tendency – The grass-is-greener-on-the-other-side syndrome or is it just that some women are out to get what they want and don’t want to settle for anything lesser?

Is it stupid to throw away something you have for something you're not sure you want? Or should we play safe?

We play safe with a lot of things in life - We pay more and get full car insurance, we stick with a job we don't like, we even look left and right before we cross the road. (I'm from California, we really DO cross only when we're supposed to)

When it comes to relationships, is it good to play it safe or take a risk?